Video Transcript: Paradigms That Don’t Work

Handout: Basic Boundaries Activity

Action Step: Try the breath activity with your partner, kids, or whole family. 

Stretch: Keep a log over the next few days. When did you notice your boundary? When did you defend it? When didn’t you?

Video transcript: Boundaries Basics

Handout: Stress Reduction and Coping Mechanisms

Action Step: Reflect on the types of boundaries you see at play in your family. Who has cactus boundaries? Snow pine? Oak? Rose?
Read through the coping mechanisms handout. Answer the reflection questions.

Stretch: Discuss the boundaries types with your partner or kids. Do you agree who in your family is which type? What coping mechanisms could help?

Video transcript: Healthy Boundaries

Handouts: Animal Spirits and Boundaries ABC’s

Reading: Contrasting

Action Step: Reflect on the types of animal spirits you see at play in your family. Who withdraws? Who avoids? Who attacks?  Craft a few default ABC statements you can use at any time.

Stretch: Share Eye-Heart-Hand with your family. Ask them begin using this style of confrontation.

Video transcript: Defending Boundaries

Handouts: 3 Minute Game and Consent Tools

Action Step: Teach your child Yes and/but, No and/but. Try a foot massage to practice. 

Stretch: Role play how to respond to a No and how to respond to coercion.

Video transcript: Consent Skills

Handouts: Upstander and Exit Strategies

Action Step: Have a conversation about being an upstander or about exit strategies.

Stretch: Do both! Maybe add in the 3 step apology too?

Video transcript: Boundaries in Community

Handouts: Body Boundaries Posters – 5 to choose from: here and here and here and here and here

Anya’s favorite childrens’ books 

Action Step: Assess where you are and create your To Do list. Print a body boundaries poster for your house and order some books.

Stretch: Dive in with the first conversation on your To Do list.

Video transcript: Teaching Body Boundaries

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