Inspiring change

Changing ourselves is hard.  Changing other people – really hard!  You probably can’t command it, but you can certainly guide and influence.  Whether we want change for ourselves or for our families, it’s going to take some patience as we walk the path in baby steps.


Before that first step can even happen, though, there needs to be motivation.  I was on a call just this week with a mom who wanted a change in her home, and we were talking about how to motivate her family to see the problem she sees and to take the first steps to change it.


I asked her if she was ready to get vulnerable with them, really vulnerable, and when she said yes, I suggested she share her story.  The Whole Story, unvarnished and raw.


The story of what she imagined her family would be like when she held her babies in her arms. 


The story of how she’s been feeling.


The story of where she sees things going if nothing changes.


When we started to piece together that story, we replaced the softer sentences (this can’t go on) with more vibrant words (despair) that really felt true for her and would help her family understand.


You can leverage your relationships.  If you’re really bothered, simply sharing it in the raw will motivate your family to make a change.


Stories are incredibly powerful.  Our brains are wired to remember them, and we can’t help but imagine and attune.


Maybe the change you want is for your child to open up to you, in which case, sharing stories from your own life can be a great way to do that.  If you get vulnerable, then they can too.  If you can talk about your first kiss, maybe your teen can too.


If you’re trying to create a change, like helping your kids have better boundaries, or create more comfort around talking about sexuality, or just have deeper conversations in general, let’s plan the first few baby steps to get things moving.   Just hit reply to this email or jump on my calendar for a free consultation.  Whether it’s a small niggly feeling or down right anguish, don’t ignore your sense that something needs to change.


In support of you,




PS: looking for some inspiration on creating change in your own life?  Check out Moms On Purpose.  It’s like Chicken Soup for Mom’s Soul and totally FREE.  Hear the stories of 21 moms who are living their purpose while raising happy thriving kids.  I’m inspired by these stories!  And learning some great tips too!   Register here.


P.P.S. Last call for the Opening the Communication group program!  Want a community of parents who are dedicated to learning how to building their kids’ skills?  You can still jump aboard and catch up with what we’ve started.  Let’s talk and see if it’s a fit.

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